Asbestos Awareness Training: Why Your Building Team Needs It


Asbestos awareness is imperative for members of the building, maintenance or refurbishment industries. Why? Because thousands of Aussie buildings constructed before the 1990s are contaminated with this deadly mineral. Therefore, it’s vital for you and your team to be able to spot the dangers before they can cause serious health concerns!

The right instructing can ensure you are fully-aware of the mineral’s typical aesthetic and locations. This means you can avoid work that could cause serious health ramifications by having the professionals safely remove it.

So, why should you and your team receive asbestos awareness classes? Let’s take a look at how they can avoid serious health problems and more below:

You can avoid dangerous work

As a business owner in the construction, maintenance or refurbishment industries, you will already be aware of how dangerous this nasty mineral is for the health of you and your team. With this in mind, top quality asbestos awareness training is essential to avoiding the danger that this mineral poses to your team, such as asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma (among other deadly diseases).

The last thing you and your team want is to start work on a pre-1990s property that may contain this harmful mineral. Through thorough instruction, you and your team will be able to spot the risks before you start smashing out walls and ceilings, and be able to call in the experts so that they can remove it before work commences.

Promote a safe work culture

Australian construction, maintenance and refurbishment companies should all work towards promoting a safe work culture. This is especially so in regards to the substance, which has long been one of the country’s construction industry’s greatest health adversaries.

As a business owner, you know the last thing to do is send your team into an old building to start smashing down walls and ceilings without prior knowledge of contaminations. As such, enlisting top class asbestos awareness training ensures that you and your team will have the prior knowledge of contamination and whether it needs immediate remediation!

Avoid OHS issues

You know it as well as we know it: Australia is a country with rigid OHS regulations. Safe Work Australia exists to ensure that companies in construction, maintenance, refurbishment and related industries are safe from the dangers that this hazardous mineral presents (amongst other health risks!).

As such, enlisting the experts to teach you about the problem, as well as providing an understanding of where it might be located and how to properly spot it, is one of the best ways to avoid OHS issues. Your experts will teach you how to be aware of the substance’s dangers and how to keep your team updated with safety standards surrounding the mineral.

You can get the job done faster

Your project can be greatly slowed down if you only discover the mineral later on in the construction or maintenance phase. This is because there is greater risk that the asbestos has been disturbed and this can make it harder to detect and, if it is present and highly friable (crumbling), more difficult to remove.

So, enlisting the pros to teach you all about the mineral’s potential locations and how to spot it is essential to ensuring you can get the job done faster and without any ongoing issues.

You will be doing you, your team and any visitors a massive favour by ensuring you and your staff are aware of the mineral’s presence in your workplace!

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